@article{agarwal2024online,title={Online Learning under Haphazard Input Conditions: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis},author={Agarwal, Rohit and Das, Arijit and Horsch, Alexander and Agarwal, Krishna and Prasad, Dilip K},journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.04903},year={2024},doi={10.48550/arXiv.2404.04903},}
Taxonomy of hybridly polarized Stokes vortex beams
Gauri Arora, Ankit Butola, Ruchi Rajput , and 5 more authors
@article{arora2024taxonomy,title={Taxonomy of hybridly polarized Stokes vortex beams},author={Arora, Gauri and Butola, Ankit and Rajput, Ruchi and Agarwal, Rohit and Agarwal, Krishna and Horsch, Alexander and Prasad, Dilip K and Senthilkumaran, Paramasivam},journal={Optics Express},volume={32},number={5},pages={7404--7416},year={2024},publisher={Optica Publishing Group},doi={10.1364/OE.512409},}
Modelling Irregularly Sampled Time Series Without Imputation
Rohit Agarwal, Aman Sinha, Dilip K Prasad , and 4 more authors
@article{agarwal2023modelling,title={Modelling Irregularly Sampled Time Series Without Imputation},author={Agarwal, Rohit and Sinha, Aman and Prasad, Dilip K and Clausel, Marianne and Horsch, Alexander and Constant, Mathieu and Coubez, Xavier},journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.08698},year={2023},doi={10.48550/arXiv.2309.08698},}
Haphazard Inputs
Aux-Drop: Handling Haphazard Inputs in Online Learning Using Auxiliary Dropouts
Rohit Agarwal, Deepak Gupta, Alexander Horsch , and 1 more author
@article{agarwal2023auxdrop,title={Aux-Drop: Handling Haphazard Inputs in Online Learning Using Auxiliary Dropouts},author={Agarwal, Rohit and Gupta, Deepak and Horsch, Alexander and Prasad, Dilip K.},journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},issn={2835-8856},year={2023},url={https://openreview.net/forum?id=R9CgBkeZ6Z},note={Reproducibility Certification},}
Mabnet: Master Assistant Buddy Network With Hybrid Learning for Image Retrieval
Rohit Agarwal, Gyanendra Das, Saksham Aggarwal , and 2 more authors
In ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , 2023
@inproceedings{agarwal2023mabnet,title={Mabnet: Master Assistant Buddy Network With Hybrid Learning for Image Retrieval},author={Agarwal, Rohit and Das, Gyanendra and Aggarwal, Saksham and Horsch, Alexander and Prasad, Dilip K},booktitle={ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},pages={1--5},year={2023},organization={IEEE},doi={10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10094987},}
SegPC-2021: A challenge & dataset on segmentation of Multiple Myeloma plasma cells from microscopic images
Anubha Gupta, Shiv Gehlot, Shubham Goswami , and 8 more authors
@article{gupta2023segpc,title={SegPC-2021: A challenge \& dataset on segmentation of Multiple Myeloma plasma cells from microscopic images},author={Gupta, Anubha and Gehlot, Shiv and Goswami, Shubham and Motwani, Sachin and Gupta, Ritu and Faura, {\'A}lvaro Garc{\'\i}a and {\v{S}}tepec, Dejan and Martin{\v{c}}i{\v{c}}, Toma{\v{z}} and Azad, Reza and Merhof, Dorit and others},journal={Medical Image Analysis},volume={83},pages={102677},year={2023},publisher={Elsevier},doi={10.1016/j.media.2022.102677},}
Haphazard Inputs
Auxiliary Network: Scalable and agile online learning for dynamic system with inconsistently available inputs
Rohit Agarwal, Krishna Agarwal, Alexander Horsch , and 1 more author
In International Conference on Neural Information Processing , 2022
@inproceedings{agarwal2022auxiliary,title={Auxiliary Network: Scalable and agile online learning for dynamic system with inconsistently available inputs},author={Agarwal, Rohit and Agarwal, Krishna and Horsch, Alexander and Prasad, Dilip K},booktitle={International Conference on Neural Information Processing},pages={549--561},year={2022},organization={Springer},doi={10.1007/978-3-031-30105-6_46},}
Transformer assisted convolutional network for cell instance segmentation
Deepanshu Pandey, Pradyumna Gupta, Sumit Bhattacharya , and 2 more authors
@article{pandey2021transformer,title={Transformer assisted convolutional network for cell instance segmentation},author={Pandey, Deepanshu and Gupta, Pradyumna and Bhattacharya, Sumit and Sinha, Aman and Agarwal, Rohit},journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02270},year={2021},doi={10.48550/arXiv.2110.02270},}
Dsc-iit ism at wnut-2020 task 2: Detection of covid-19 informative tweets using roberta
Sirigireddy Dhana Laxmi, Rohit Agarwal, and Aman Sinha
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020) , 2020
@inproceedings{laxmi2020dsc,title={Dsc-iit ism at wnut-2020 task 2: Detection of covid-19 informative tweets using roberta},author={Laxmi, Sirigireddy Dhana and Agarwal, Rohit and Sinha, Aman},booktitle={Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)},pages={409--413},year={2020},doi={10.18653/v1/2020.wnut-1.58},}
Simulation-supervised deep learning for analysing organelles states and behaviour in living cells
Arif Ahmed Sekh, Ida S Opstad, Rohit Agarwal , and 5 more authors
@article{sekh2020simulation,title={Simulation-supervised deep learning for analysing organelles states and behaviour in living cells},author={Sekh, Arif Ahmed and Opstad, Ida S and Agarwal, Rohit and Birgisdottir, Asa Birna and Myrmel, Truls and Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh and Agarwal, Krishna and Prasad, Dilip K},journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.12617},year={2020},doi={10.48550/arXiv.2008.12617},}
C-net: Contextual network for sarcasm detection
Amit Kumar Jena, Aman Sinha, and Rohit Agarwal
In Proceedings of the second workshop on figurative language processing , 2020
@inproceedings{jena2020c,title={C-net: Contextual network for sarcasm detection},author={Jena, Amit Kumar and Sinha, Aman and Agarwal, Rohit},booktitle={Proceedings of the second workshop on figurative language processing},pages={61--66},year={2020},doi={10.18653/v1/2020.figlang-1.8},}